Monday, 22 April 2013

The ingenious quality of people

It is not always necessary to have spaces built and add interventions in it for a proper functioning. How spontaneous is it to come to the notion that people deprived of any sort of architectural backdrop tend into the happening and making of spaces. Herein I would like to mention of a road (just a random road), this road happens to be very close to place where I live, and one  unusual part of this road which i like to focus upon is how it has a property of constant adaptability.

The quality that this particular road provides is, it functions as an after dinner walking track for many people living in the locality and while in morning, it is used by fair amount of vehicles, buses and few pedestrians at regular intervals. It is currently summer season going around and people tend to get heated at home. So an afternoon or night walk is what they prefer under such circumstances. Locality supports a garden, but it shuts up too early .So these people ingeniously just happen to walk by the corner lane of the road. All they have is a proper pavement so they are not stuck anywhere and few streetlights for safety.So this road is in a constant state of transformation be it morning or a night. It adapts to its users or the users adapt to it.

Therefore, the point to make here , it is not actually always important to have spaces built and commanded or guided by an architect or a designer. People indeed have an ingenious quality that they themselves tend into them making of spaces. I would like to ponder upon a question that  ... is it the pre notional quality of an environment that guides you through the space or the user is quiet inventive about his interactions with the surroundings?

The people walking/commuting by never wished to have a specialized track or pretty landscape around them and some benches here and there. These are the idea or idea of spaces that an architect creates .First we make an idea of space and try fitting people into it. Whereas, how interesting it would be to design systems or modules that have this quality of transformability and yet are multifunctional. cleverness come from there,  as even prominent  Charles Eames who were  famously fascinated by everyday objects like the lota and the matka(spherical water vessels) of typically Indian houses spoke of the same thing.

This aspect of locale and ingeniousness drives me to the nature of design, and takes me to a short conclusion that not always design is about form making or dealing with pre conceivable idea of space. However, it also has to deal with flexibility and a state where people themselves create space and are not guided by space.

ps: i shall soon update an image of the road for a gauge of the user density ps: i shall soon update an image of the road for a gauge of the user density